The Energy Materials Group (EMG) is a cross cutting group of IOM3 that provides a focus on the ever present materials issues in energy supply whether it be materials supply or synthesis. Just some of the topics include high temperature turbines, a new generation of nuclear power stations, wind, marine and solar.
The Energy Materials Group acts as an ‘Across Division’ Group reporting to the IOM3 Industry and Technology Policy Board (ITPB), utilising the broad expertise within IOM3. The primary role of the EMG is
- Stimulate and liaise with IOM3 Technical Communities on energy related activities where necessary and appropriate.
- Take a lead in raising public awareness of energy issues and critical role of materials in both existing and new energy technologies.
- Promote IOM3 participation in the national energy debate through engagement with stakeholders including parliamentary groups.
- Act as a focus for energy sector materials activities over the whole materials life cycle, representing IOM3 interests and liaising with existing bodies such as professional institutes, networks such as the KTNs and funding agencies.
- Respond to government consultations and media enquiries with the External Affairs Group.
- Promote knowledge exchange on emerging energy technologies through the media of the Energy Materials Journal and targeted workshops.
Please visit the IoM3 website for further information about its activities: